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Stamperia Busato

Stamperia Busato has been doing business in a sixteenth-century building in Vicenza's historical centre for more than 70 years. It was founded by Ottorino Busato in October 1946 when he decided to start his own Lithography and Chalcography activity after a lengthy experience gained working in one of the Veneto Region's most important printers since 1924. The art of printing held no secrets for him. The printing store began its most flourishing moment towards the mid 1960s with influential interlocutors like Neri Pozza and Tono Zancanaro, with whom Giuliano, following in his father's footsteps, developed a profound sense of relationship between artist and printer. Since then, this perfect understanding between printer and artist is what makes the Stamperia unique. 
The store has now reached its third generation of printers with Giancarlo in a continual encounter between art, craftsmanship and passion.

Contra’ Porta Santa Lucia 38 - Vicenza
from Monday to Friday 9.00 – 18.00
Closed on Saturday and Sunday

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