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Nardini: la Grapperia and le Bolle

The Grapperia sul Ponte is the historical location of Nardini, the oldest distillery in Italy and the only one originally from Bassano. An enormously fascinating place that, since 1779, has witnessed great changes in the history of Europe. Named as one of Italy's Historical Bars, the Grapperia looks over the Brenta river and has remained unaltered through the ages, still evoking a unique atmosphere in which to enjoy a surprising aperitif. A transversal and lively place where people from Bassano and tourists meet to taste the magic of a product, of a history.

Le Bolle opened to the public at large in 2004 to commemorate the 225th anniversary of the company's foundation. A modern work of architecture designed by Massimiliano Fuksas, it evokes the alchemy of distillation and, together with the Grapperia in Bassano, tells a story of love for the territory and enhances its potential. A futuristic work that stands within the company's park, designed by Pietro Porcinai at the beginning of the 1980s, Bolle began as a laboratory and a place in which to promote the culture of grappa through events and guided tours.

Ponte Vecchio 2, Bassano del Grappa (VI)

Via Madonna di Monte Berico 11 - Bassano del Grappa (VI)

from Monday to Thursday 8.30 - 21.30
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 8.30 - 22.30

from Monday to Friday 9.00 - 12.00 and 14.30 - 17.30
Saturday by appointment, closed on Sunday

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