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Loison Pasticceri dal 1938

Tradition is the main ingredient and passion is what heats the ovens. For three generations, Loison Pasticceri, now found on tables all over the world, has been creating Art confectionery. Starting with Grandpa Tranquillo, then Papa Alessandro, to present day with Dario Loison, currently at the helm of a company with over 75 years of experience and progress, its strength lies in the old family calling.

Not just 'panettoni': Dario and his wife Sonia have both taken the professional road, each along his/her own particular route. Dario is the business mastermind. For him tradition and innovation do not run parallel, but are more like two closely connected paths. Sonia is the romantic and nostalgic soul and it was she who created the Loison Style, that expression of perfect design.

The shop sells the company's products in various packaging offers, including limited editions.

Strada Statale Pasubio 6 - Costabissara (VI)
from Monday to Friday 8.30 – 19.30
Saturday 8.30 – 18.00 and Sunday 8.30 – 13.00

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