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Kimono store

Kimono Store was founded by Sara Falconi in 2014 as the result of over twenty years' experience in the fashion industry and her sincere love for researching and blending different styles. With premises in one of the most prestigious streets in Vicenza's town centre, the store offers men's and ladies' clothing chosen from a careful selection of emerging brands. Inspiration and imprinting comes from travelling, fashion weeks and top fashion shows in the world's leading capitals where trends that go off the mainstream track are often born.

The range of clothing offered by Kimono is continually evolving in order to always be able to offer something new and exclusive and, besides the chance to make an appointment, an ideal solution for those who have little time, there is also a tailoring service with specialized artisans ready to make those final touches to the garments in accordance with the customer's needs.

Corso Fogazzaro 103 – Vicenza
from Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 – 13.00 and 15.30 – 19.30
Closed on Sunday and Monday

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