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Cappelleria Palladio

Founded at the beginning of the 1900s in contra’ Pescherie Vecchie, then piazza degli Zoccoli, Cappelleria Palladio specializes in the sale of men's and ladies' hats. In 2007, it was recognized as a “Bottega Storica” (Historical Shop) and has always offered a vast range of elegant and casual men's and ladies' hats and scarves, all strictly handmade by skilled craftsmen. The atmosphere is steeped in antiquity starting from the ladies' hats department furnished in eighteenth-century Venetian style, while the men's section is engulfed in an air inspired by Austria and England. The private collection is extremely interesting and includes a collapsible top hat for evening-wear, a Churchill Homburg, an English Bobby hat, a 1920s pith helmet, the typical Venetian tricorn, a folding panama, feathered hats from the 1930s and a series of original headwear from typical costumes all over the world (fez, sombrero, Indian turban, Chinese, African, South American hats and many more).

Piazzetta Andrea Palladio 13 - Vicenza
from Tuesday to Saturday 8.30 – 12.30 and 15.30 – 19.30
Sunday and Monday, afternoons only

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