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Aqua Crua

“Water (Acqua): symbol of transparency, origin of life. Essence turning into matter. Raw (Crua), natural, no filter.
Aqua Crua, is the Restaurant of Giuliano Baldessari, opened in February 2014 in Barbarano Vicentino, near the Colli Berici. In 2016 Baldessari, who has been for the 10 years the sous-chef at Calandre di Rubano, received the prestigious Michelin Star; it was officially recognized as a restaurant that fully reflects his particular idea of cuisine and hospitality, based on minimalism and informality.

A single room, a free environment without barriers between those who cook and those who eat. Aqua Crua can sit up to 35 people, split in small tables with different seating capacity. Outside the restaurant, a green space with two vines reminds the visitor of the 2500 m2 vegetable garden in the nearby village of Villaga and providing the restaurant with vegetables.

A sharing cuisine and a simple cuisine, based on a limited amount of ingredients, a cuisine of subtraction where food smells of earth, the earth of Trento which is the homeland of the Chef. Sincere tastes for the menu based on two different tasting experiences: Frattali (Fractals) focusing on the classic dishes of Aqua Crua, and Iniziazione (Initiation) where Baldessari gives free rein to creativity. The menu is never static but changes week after week, day after day, according to what the season offers and with an eye on allergies and intolerances.

To enrich the offer, there are five rooms available for guests which decide to stop by: 4 double rooms and a small flat with a mezzanine and a kitchenette for those wishing to stop for longer and suitable for up to 4 people.

The breakfast, that can be delivered to the bedroom, offers fresh ingredients and it is prepared by the chef Baldessari and served in the dining room: a chance to enjoy once more the chef’s cuisine.

Piazza Calcalusso 11
36021 Barbarano Vicentino (Vicenza)
T.+ 39 0444 776096

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