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Sull’altopiano di Asiago tra enogastronomia e la Grande Guerra

Asiago offers a wide range of proposals from history, relaxation, sport and itineraries of all kinds, particularly those that include places that were crucial in the Great War. You can choose from walking in the woods, golf, skating at the ice rink, trips to the Astronomical Observatory and many city museums. There are numerous trails that remain as heritage and in memory of the First World War, where those who love sport and the open air can be reminded of events and heroes and perhaps even include a visit to the monumental Military Memorial in Leiten, or go along the 'Sentiero del Silenzio' (Path of Silence) to Campomuletto and the world's longest flight of stairs that leads to Cala del Sasso.

Then there are Enego with Lisser Fort overlooking the Marcesina plain, Roana, Mount Verena with its recently renovated fort, Sciason Cave, an enormous cave that giddily drops down into a well and the Tanzerloch abyss near Camporovere on the road to Vezzena, all steeped in fairytale legends and dark mystery.

Last but not least are the local products: from the famous Asiago DOP cheese to excellent honey, from renowned fruit preserves to cold cuts, because the Plateau of the Seven Municipalities is, without doubt, one of the most elegant and fascinating destinations for every kind of tourist.

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