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Asolo: la città dei cento orizzonti

Defined as the City of a Hundred Horizons by Carducci, Asolo cradles among its ancient walls that extend from the Rocca, a 17th century fortress that has stolen the hearts of many illustrious travellers over the centuries. On particularly clear days, the 360-degree panorama reaches as far as Valdobbiadene and even Venice.

Due to its irresistible charm, Asolo has always been popular with poets, writers, artists and travellers, who find creative inspiration here. These include Ernest Hemingway, Eleonora Duse, the composer Gian Francesco Malipiero, writer Freya Stark, the poet Robert Browning, the Queen of Cyprus, Armenia and Jerusalem, Caterina Cornaro, who, together with Eleonora Duse and Freya Stark, was re-named “Lady of Asolo”.

Asolo offers the chance to combine an interest in history and culture with culinary pleasures. In the 'osterie', the numerous wine bars, cafés and restaurants located in the characteristic arcades and squares, you can, in fact, taste exquisite dishes made with the best local products and linked to the simple seasonal culinary tradition, often with a Venetian influence: from 'sarde in saor' (sardines and caramelized onions) to bigoli in sauce (long pasta), mushroom soups with pasta and beans, Treviso or Castelfranco radicchio, pumpkin, white asparagus from Bassano, chicchetti - the tasty savoury snacks that the Venetians so love -, Morlacco cheese or a slice of Treviso soppressa salami. All accompanied by a jug of sparkling Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOGC, one of the area's quality products.

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