Italimpianti Orafi presents IAO / BR TITA and the best seller T-Barmaster
Italimpianti Orafi has been supplying the goldsmith industry with reliability and quality for fifty years through a global sales network and a supply of complete turnkey systems.
Since its foundation, Italimpianti aimed at a sustainable development policy with a strong focus on the green economy thanks not only to efficient zero-impact products and the e-waste recovery project to obtain new raw materials, but also thanks to zero-emission refining and to the "green chemistry" for the recovery of lithium.
At T. Gold Italimpianti Orafi will present the new IAO / BR TITA machinery that stands out for its extreme flexibility, reduced reaction times and for the very resistant and long-lasting materials. Compared to traditional rotary tumbler machines for refining - made of polypropylene, glass (for aqua regia) or steel (for the quarter) - the titanium models of IAO / BR TITA allow to create both quarter and aqua regia in a single plant. In fact, titanium does not undergo thermal shocks and it is not scratched by contact with the precious metal granules that are dissolved inside. This new machine has unparalleled resistance, it is very versatile, practically eternal and the rotary technology allows a faster and more appropriate dissolution of the metal. For this reason, IAO / BR TITA is the perfect solution for those who want to make limited investments and have particular space requirements.
Among the wide range of Italimpianti Orafi products, there is also the new version of the best-seller T-Barmaster, a tunnel oven that works by induction in a controlled atmosphere to obtain ingots with an impeccable mirror finish. This machine allows the production of ingots from 1 ounce up to over 1000 ounces, starting from grit or crystals of precious metal. In its Power Loop version, the new T-Barmaster also "folds" on itself while maintaining the three sections of the production process and the controlled atmosphere unchanged.