At VICENZAORO the Club degli Orafi presents: “Branding to safeguard Made in Italy”
To speak about the importance of culture as an indispensable survival tool will be Gabriele Aprea, President of the Club degli Orafi Italia and of Chantecler S.p.A. and Emanuele Aliotti Visdomini, Vice President of Vhernier, who will be bringing his brand experience as a bulwark to safeguard Made in Italy. To conclude, Raffaele Ciardulli, Strategic Marketing Consultant, will end the work by trying to trace a line for the future.
A debate that promises to be brimming with tips to better understand how Made in Italy is an "asset" to be protected and developed. “Many luxury companies are now in foreign hands. To a large extent, production has remained in Italy, but distribution, together with the greater slice of profits, has gone elsewhere, to the impoverishment of the Italian system," says Gabriele Aprea. "Only by safeguarding the brand with a strong and recognizable design, effective communication and an aptitude for growth, can Made in Italy continue to be the jewel of Italy. It is the only way to avoid losing a precious, all-Italian heritage." Referring to the history of Club degli Orafi, which can count on a strong network of leading associations and institutions like Federorafi, Federpreziosi, Fiera di Vicenza (now IEG), Intesa San Paolo, the Centro Orafo Il Tarì at Marcianise, to name but a few, demonstrating its talent for systematization, Gabriele Aprea adds that “as entrepreneurs, we are not alone. We live in an entrepreneurial and social framework that can support us and in which exchanging information and skills is of paramount importance. The latest strategic move in this sense, was transferring our offices to the Fondazione Altagamma, with whom we are aiming to create new and stimulating initiatives. Our goal is to consolidate our presence in Italy and, at the same time, start to think about extending our range of action across the borders.”