Assocoral joins Federorafi: new markets open up between coral and cameo
Assocoral, the association founded in Torre del Greco to unite producers and distributors of coral and cameos, is now an Aggregate Member of Federorafi.
The Italian goldsmith sector currently groups over 7,500 production companies with 31,500 production workers: an annual turnover that in 2019 reached almost 8 billion euros for one of the Made in Italy sectors with the greatest propensity to export with 85 % of turnover destined for foreign markets. With this important entry into Federorafi, the entire sector will be even more representative, as the Federorafi president, Ivana Ciabatti, commented:
"Among the records of Italy's jeweler there is also that on a world scale of the Campania district of Torre del Greco for the centuries-old tradition in the making of cameos and coral artifacts. More than products, they are works of art that the whole world envies us but which, as for example for coral, despite compliance with international regulations, still find obstacles in their marketing in important commercial areas such as China.
Thanks to the closer collaboration with Assocoral, I am convinced that we will be able to be even more effective in improving commercial and promotional policies in favor of the product with coral which, with the cameo and other precious items, completes the exceptional offer of the "beautiful and well made "made in Italy."
The Assocoral President Vincenzo Aucella, for his part, spoke of many different souls within the Association, "which include producers, wholesalers and retailers. And so, today, we face new challenges with a view to relaunching the production sector of the territory. , trying to penetrate those foreign markets that are still difficult. Small collaborations have been going on for years with Federorafi. Today we are entering to all intents and purposes, as an aggregate partner, to try together to face and overcome these challenges. "