Italian craftsmanship as Unesco World Heritage: the candidature proposal and Confartigianato and klaus Davi's round table
After the first three stops in Florence, Milan and Genoa, the fourth destination of the Road Show will be held at VICENZAORO on Monday, 25th September, at 11 am (Room 8.0.6 Hall 8.0 West Entrance). Intervening at the round table in order to discuss the advantages and opportunities for our craftsmanship, with particular focus on artisan manufacturing in the gold and jewellery industry, will be Dorina Bianchi, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism, Marco Carniello, Manager of the Jewellery & Fashion Department at IEG-Italian Exhibition Group, Andrea Boldi, President of Confartigianato Orafi, Agostino Bonomo, President of Confartigianato Imprese Veneto - a craftsman in the gold and jewellery industry, and Klaus Davi, mass media expert and the mind behind the candidature proposal.